Juicy Dulcinea® Melon Pops
Pop goes the melon! These dazzling frozen treats are made entirely of mashed Tuscan-Style™ Cantaloupe and PureHeart® Watermelon. Fun, healthy and delicious!
- Tuscan-Style® Extra Sweet Cantaloupe
- PureHeart® Mini Seedless Watermelon
- Your favorite juice, we like limeade!
- Stir together mashed Tuscan-Style® Extra Sweet Cantaloupe or PureHeart® Mini Seedless Watermelon and your favorite juice in a bowl.
- Mashing melon is easy! Just put small cubes onto a large cutting board or a large plate and mash with a fork
- Spoon into popsicle molds or small paper cups.
- Add sticks and freeze until firm.
- To keep sticks standing up in cups, top filled cups with a small piece of foil. Make a small slit in the center and slide the stick through. It will stay standing until popsicles are frozen.
- To remove popsicles from molds or cups, turn sideways and run under warm water until the popsicles slide out easily.